Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010

Last night was a rough night. You were shaking and had a fever all night. The doctors thought that they might have to put the tube back down your throat, but you did well enough that they waited. The same thing happened again this afternoon. When they told me you would have to have the tube again this afternoon, I started to cry. Just after that you started to breathe better, and so the doctors waited again, and ever since then you have been doing ok. I keep hoping and praying, that we can move forward and get you feeling better. They had to put a funny thing on your nose called a CPAP. It helps you to get more air. It is just like papa's nose breather. You are twins!


  1. You probably don't know me. I am in your ward, and sometimes I substitute in Nursery, where I've played with Genesis. I have been reading your blog from the beginning (and bawling every time), and my husband and I pray for your family daily. Even my two year old prays for "the baby in the hop-pital" I just wanted to comment and let you know about a few more people standing behind you.

  2. It's amazing how strong the little spirits are that we're given. Genesis, a lot of people have been having a special fast just for you. I know all the prayers and fasts are going to make you stronger than ever. We love you!

  3. Jessica,

    This is Karen's little sister. I had the pleasure of meeting and playing with your angel when I came home for 6 weeks in Feb/March, on the Tuesdays Karen watched her, she and Gabe even came to a couple of my ultrasounds. Your daughter is the pivotal definition of innocence, and she has such a beautiful soul. As little as she is, its amazing to see how big of a fighter she has been, proof that through God, mountains can be moved.

    I find it interesting that her name Genisis means "the beginning". You probably felt that she was the beginning of your known existance, and the beginning of a love that you never thought was possible. I believe and pray that this is the beginning of Nesses story, and that her "book" has many pages left to be written.

    I have been praying for her, as well as you. You are such a strong woman Jessica to stand by your babies side day and night, and I pray that you can keep strength and courage during this time. You, your daughter, and husband are bound in love by so many, and are in the thoughts and prayers of many (known and unknown) brothers and sisters in Christ. We are with you, but more improtantly, Our Heavenly Father is with you.
