Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010

You are amazing. Last night you peed a lot more. You keep amazing the doctors. They are trying to keep you off the machiene that cleans your blood tonight because you have peed so much, that they think that you might not need it any more. If you do well being off that machiene they might be moving us to a different level in the hospital! Today you were watching tv, and just chilling and crossing your legs. I thought it was so cute. Daddy was being silly today and dancing around, and you smiled and laughed. You also are shaking a lot less. I can't believe how far we have made it. I look at you and tears come to my eyes, because there was a time that I thought I wouldn't get to see you any more, and it is just so wonderful to have you in our lives. You are the best thing that has ever happened to daddy and I.


  1. I'm so glad she is doing well!! I hope you don't mind that I put a link to your blog on mine, I thought you could use the prayers.

  2. thanks megan! you are really sweet, and I appriciate it.
